Hi, my name is
Lialia Sakhno.
I build web applications.
I’m a Full-Stack software engineer who knows what complex custom development is and understands how to do it best.

About Me

A passionate Software Developer, advocate for lifelong learning and hard work. Wrote my first line of code at the age of 13 (Visual Basic).

A few years back I got a Master's degree in Information Security at the Kharkiv University of Radioelectronics. There I wrote my first programs on C++. Then I switch to PHP... After studying Laravel, I found a job in a Ukrainian product - the International Arts Championship. In a year and a half, I learned to do everything - from setting up servers to Google optimization.

Meantime I got master's degree with My own PHP Steganography coder-decoder and analyzer, Based on LSB algorithm. My next company was Sitecraft, where I worked as an outstaff for a Canadian customer for almost 4 years. During this time, I wrote many projects - complex and not so, in the team and myself.

While working at Sitecraft, I became interested in the topic of proper nutrition and wrote my own tool for monitoring nutrition and indicators.

Now I am currently actively looking for a job.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • Laravel (PHP)
  • Vue.js (JS)
  • Nova
  • Postgres
  • Docker
  • Tailwind
Lialia Sakhno

Where I’ve Worked

Back-End engineer
@ OpenDialog AI

Sep 2022 - Aug 2023

  • OpenDialog is a conversational experience platform for designing chatbots and voice assistants, and integrating them with external systems. My responsibilities include developing and maintaining the core conversation engine, which acts as an orchestrator that enables user interactions and utilizes NLP & LLM models for intent classification and entity extraction.

Full-Stack Developer
@ Sitecraft

Feb 2018 - Aug 2022

  • Development of bespoke internal system solutions, using whichever tool is right for the job
  • Brought Slack, CI, issue boards and code reviews to the team
  • Bug fixes and improvements on existing systems
  • Developed a firm grasp of Laravel, PHP, MySQL, VueJS, API development and consumption
  • Working together with managers and end-users to collect feedback and improve existing systems to make the business more efficient.

Full-Stack Developer
@ NailsOfTheDay

Oct 2016 - Feb 2018

  • Ιntegration APIs (Mandrill, Mailgun, PayMaster)
  • Brought Slack, CI, issue boards and code reviews to the team
  • Building full-stack features for our in-house products
  • Agile environment
  • Git version control

Wordpress Developer
@ Pinedev

Mar 2016 - Oct 2016

  • Developed WordPress plugins for an outsourced development company.
  • Implemented custom solutions using JQuery, Bootstrap and WooCommerce.

Some Things I’ve Built


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What’s Next?

Get In Touch

I’m currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!
